Seny i Moritz, a podcast inspired by the Catalan phrase "seny i rauxa", revisits memories, exploring the duality between rationality and impulsiveness. Dedicated to rule-breaking pioneers who shaped Barcelona's history, the podcast employs a sophisticated and irreverent tone, aiming to surprise its audience.
Art Direction, Edit & Sound Design Gianfranco Zegarra
Brand Identity Mónica Gutierrez / Francisca García
Script Gabriela Gonzalez
Voice Massimo Tartarini
The website is vital for the podcast, offering an interactive experience with a connection map showcasing memories of Barcelona's older youth. It provides direct access to Spotify for episode listening and includes essential information such as the manifesto, social media links, and contact details.
To spark curiosity on social media, influencers will receive a special box containing a mini collection of 90s flyers, a special edition Seny i Moritz beer, a View Master with the teaser clip, and an invitation to listen to the new podcast via a QR code.

